
Dissabte, 24 de març

Yours truly angry mob

Poques vegades puc gaudir del plaer majúscul d'escoltar un disc rodó, sorprenent des de la primera cançó fins l'última. Quan això passa és un petit miracle, una troballa íntima enregistrada a l'àlbum personal de la meva música.

Kaiser Chiefs

Love’s Not A Competition (But I’m Winning)

mobI won’t be the one to disappoint you anymore,
I know, I’ve said all this and that you’ve heard
It all before,
The trick is getting you to think that all this was your idea.
And that this was everything you’ve ever wanted out of here,
Love’s not a competition but I’m winning.
I’m not sure what’s truly altruistic anymore,
When every good thing that I do is listed and you’re keeping score,
Love’s not a competition but I’m winning
Love’s not a competition but I’m winning
At least I thought I was but there’s no way of knowing,
At least I thought I was but there’s no way of knowing,
You know what it’s like when you’re new to the game but I’m not,
I won’t be the one to disappoint you,
I won’t be the one to disappoint you anymore